Frequently Asked Questions

We will be grateful if you take time to prepare questions to be added on our record. Please contact us using our contact page so that we can initiate the process. If your contribution is significant we will display your name and address at our top contributor list.

If you didn't get verification email, login to your account and got to and you can resend verification email from there.

Using this website is absolutely free. We have no plan to charge money for our services at this time.

We are working on this feature. We will let you know once this feature is available.

We try to make our record as accurate as possible but there might be some error none the less. If you are sure that answer in our record is incorrect please contact us with the Question and correct answer so that we can update our records.

Numbers on dashboard page might not get updated quickly. Your performance are calculated on background so it might take some time to update. Please try again later for updated performance number.