Old Question (Officer level) of Contemporary Issues paper taken on 2071/12/26

Section A

  1. Define the term conflict and describe your opinion about the requirements for social and cultural transformation in Nepal.
  2. Discuss the policies and programs undertaken by the state in Nepal for the social justice and equality.
  3. Clearly present the reason of low rate of population increase in 2068 census in comparison to the past census and discuss the effects of population increase in national economy.

Section B

  1. Discuss the effectiveness of the three pillar economic policy (public, private, cooperative) for the overall economic development of the country.
  2. Highlighting the importance of foreign aid in Nepal, describe the measures that should be taken for effective mobilization of foreign aid.

Section C

  1. Clearly spell out the concept of “sustainable development” and also mention the major hindrance of the sustainable development in Nepal.
  2. What are the cross-cutting and contemporary issues of development in the present world? In your analysis how such issues of development are internalized and mainstreamed in Nepal’s present periodic plan document for bringing effectiveness?
  3. Describe the positive and negative roles of socio-cultural tradition, social values and norms on the socioeconomic development of Nepal.

Section D

  1. Mention the reasons of deforestation. Discuss the effects of deforestation in Nepal.
  2. In spite of being a rich country in water resources, what are the causes of having energy crisis in Nepal? Mention what needs to be done to get rid of such crisis?